Sample Leads

Sample Credit Repair Leads

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This is a long-form credit repair leads. All leads are gauaranteed to have name, email, phone, city, and state. All other information is optional and may or may not be included. These are phone and email leads that are internet generated and generated using all types of media. All leads need and want to talk to someone about credit restoration. Order Leads Today!

Name:  John Doe
HomePhone: 321-555-5555
WorkPhone: 321-555-1234
Address 25252 West Street
City: Miami
State: FL
Zip: 10009
Self Credit Rating: Poor / Major_Credit_Issues
Homeowner: YES
Best Time To Call:  Afternoon
Lead Date: 1/21/2012
All leads have asked for a credit repair companies help or agreed to be contacted by a credit repair company. This is a typical lead. There may be more data on some leads and our format can change at anytime. Any bogus or invalid leads can be returned within 48 hours for a replacement.